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April 18, 2013

Journal April 18th -

We will talk about personification today. First read a quote and then a poem by Lucille Clifton. How does the poem "personify" leaves?

​~ She personifies the leaves as them being her.

~ Marylwi wants us to get across the monkey bars. We're going to make her proud and get her across. So now we are going for the first bar, i can feel the sweat coming from the anxiousness. Now that we have got ahold of the first bar we clench it as tight as we can. Trying not to let go make go for the next bar. Reaching bar after bar as we get closer and closer to the last one. Almost letting go we finally reach for the last one and we finally make it to the last one. We finally make it and we are as happy and relieved as a plant who finally gets rain after a long drought.

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